BTS, hit şarkısı “Boy With Luv”ı “Britain’s Got Talent”da seslendirdi!
ITV‘nin sevilen yarışma programının, 30 Mayıs’taki yarı final programında BTS sahne aldı ve “Boy With Luv” performansıyla hayranlık uyandırdı.
BTS’in, 12 Nisan’da piyasaya sürülen ve İngiltere Resmi Albümler Listesi’nde 1 numara olmayı başaran ilk Korece albüm olan “MAP OF THE SOUL: PERSONA”nın, Halsey ile işbirliği yaptıkları başlık şarkısı “Boy With Luv”, İngiltere Resmi Şarkılar Listesi’ne 13 numaradan giriş yapmıştı. Böylelikle BTS, bu listede en yüksek sıralamayı elde eden ilk Koreli grup olarak rekor kırdı.
BTS’in “Britain’s Got Talent” programındaki performansını videodan izleyebilirsiniz.
Ayrıca, grubun programda sahne almasıyla birlikte #BTSonBGT tagi dünya gündemin zirvesine yerleşirken, programın jürilerinden Amanda Holden‘ın BTS için kullandığı, “PRINCES OF POP” (Pop’un Prensleri) ifadesi de gündemde üst sıralarda yer aldı.
BTS, dünya çapındaki “Love Yourself: Speak Yourself” stadyum turu kapsamında, 1/2 Haziran tarihlerinde, Londra’nın efsanevi mekanı Wembley Stadyumu’nda sahne alan ilk Koreli sanatçı olacak!
They're here and ready to go! Don't miss @BTS_twt perform 'Boy with Luv' on #BGT! #BTSInLondon #BTSLondon #BTSonBGT
— Britain's Got Talent (@BGT) May 30, 2019
[#오늘의방탄]BTS with Britain's Got Talent @BGT ? #BTSonBGT ? #BTS
— BTS_official (@bts_bighit) May 30, 2019
WOW! #BTS smashing it on #BGT! ???@BTS_twt #BTSonBGT #BTSinLondon @BGT
— ITV (@ITV) May 30, 2019
Boys we luv on the #BGT stage! @BTS_twt ? #BTSonBGT #BTSInLondon #BTSLondon
— Britain's Got Talent (@BGT) May 30, 2019
We purple you! ?#BTS #BGT @BTS_twt
— STV (@WeAreSTV) May 30, 2019
The princes of pop gave us a great performance tonight! ?@BTS_twt #BGT #BTSonBGT
— Amanda Holden (@AmandaHolden) May 30, 2019
First time I have properly watched @bts_bighit perform tonight on @BGT!! Ok…I am now a fan ??? #BTS
— JJ HAMBLETT (@JJHamblett) May 30, 2019
İngiliz basın organı Metro, programın jürilerinden Simon Cowell‘ın, BTS‘e performans sergilemesi için yalvardığını yazmış.
K-pop supergroup #BTS will perform during the semi-final episode of #BritainsGotTalent, reported British media Metro. It was reported that @SimonCowell “begged the S.Korean pop sensation to perform.”
— Global Times (@globaltimesnews) May 24, 2019
BTS performing on #BGT was a highlight for many viewers. #BTSonBGT
— Twitter Moments (@TwitterMoments) May 30, 2019
“Britain’s Got Talent”ın Instagram paylaşımı:
BTS Performs 'Boy with Luv' On Britain's Got Talent Days Before Sold-Out Shows in London
— People (@people) May 31, 2019
.@bts_bighit with @AmandaHolden at @BGT earlier this evening!
— SYCO Entertainment (@syco) May 30, 2019
Can we just take a second to talk about how good the boys of @BTS_twt looked on BGT? ? #BTSonBGT
— Entertainment Tonight (@etnow) May 31, 2019
.@BTS_twt on #BritainsGotTalent was just.. ?
— HollywoodLife (@HollywoodLife) May 31, 2019
¡El grupo @BTS_twt brilló presentando #BoyWithLuv en el exitoso programa @BGT! ?
¿Pudiste verlo? ¡Contanos qué te pareció! #BTSonBGT En VEGA estamos muy orgullosos ?
— Vega Radio (@vegaradio) May 30, 2019
.@bts_bighit wows the @BGT audience
— ET Canada (@ETCanada) May 31, 2019
From BTS on SNL to #BTSonBGT can’t wait to see more performances from this talented group! What tv show do you think they’ll take over next?
— AfterBuzz TV (@afterbuzztv) May 30, 2019
.@bts_bighit knocked it out of the park with a great performance on @BGT! Head into store to own #MAP_OF_THE_SOUL_PERSONA on CD! #BGT
— hmv (@hmvtweets) May 30, 2019
True global sensations ?#BTS
— Shorty Awards (@shortyawards) May 30, 2019
Tonight on @BGT, @BTS_twt will be performing #BoyWithLuv for the first time in the UK. Tune into @ITV from 7.30pm
— Sony Music UK (@SonyMusicUK) May 30, 2019
Kaynak: Soompi + Twitter
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